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girl smiling with teacher


Help Children Find Their Voice

The California Scottish Rite Foundation is dedicated to support and assist children in California by providing childhood speech-language, literacy and education programs for a lifetime of improved communication and confidence.

Girl Receives Care at the RiteCare Childhood Language Center
boy struggling to find his speech




Help children speak and communicate clearly.

girl reading alone

Camp Chit Chat Schedule:

  • Children will attend one 60-minute session per week with one to two other children.

Camp Chit Chat Curriculum:

Our weekly themes transform our center into a wonderful setting for your child to develop his/her imagination while working on speech, language, social, cognitive, and motor skills. We also target early literacy skills and early handwriting skills during camp. Each weekly session builds upon the previous session and focuses on helping each child in acquiring a foundation of the following communication skills: improved articulation due to speech delays such as apraxia and phonological delays, social communication with peers and staff, receptive language skills (questions, vocabulary, concepts, grammar) expressive language skills (sentence length, vocabulary, categories, grammar, questions) and fluency of speaking.

Camp Chit Chat Fiesta:

Camp Chit Chat concludes with a Fiesta at a local park as a chance for the staff, children and families to celebrate all the hard work and achievements that were made over the summer. This is a great time to get to know other families attending camp and an opportunity to set up playdates!


Applications for 2024 closed on April 15th

Camp Chit Chat

Camp Chit Chat is a fun and socially interactive camp for children aged 3 ½ to 6 years old with mild-moderate speech and language delays. It’s a great way for children to keep up with essential communication skills during the summer when regular therapy services are not offered. Each camp participant will be placed in a small group (2-3 children) with same-aged peers also working on similar skills such as articulation, language, fluency, and social communication. Not every child that applies for camp will have the opportunity to be enrolled. We look at each child individually to make sure he or she will benefit from our program.