A minimum donation of $85 will result in a thank you of one tie.
A minimum donation of at least $175 will result in a thank you of two ties.
A minimum donation of at least $250 will result in a thank you of the set of three ties.
A new minimum recurring monthly donation of at least $85 will result in a thank you gift of the set of three ties.

“Symbols have long been used to convey messages throughout the history of the world and symbols of masonry have long been used by the fraternity of Masons to teach the virtues of our gentle craft. I have therefore, selected 24 symbols to be included in the design of my “Grand Master’s Tie” which each represents various influences on my Masonic journey.”
Arthur L. Salazar Jr.

The California Scottish Rite Foundation is a non-profit organization with a powerful mission: to improve the lives of children in California through the development of essential speech-language, literacy, and education programs. Our goal is to give every child the tools they need to communicate confidently and effectively, empowering them to thrive throughout their lives.
By donating to our cause, you are not only helping children today but also investing in their future and the future of our communities.

Help us unlock the potential of young minds by giving them the gift of speech, language, and literacy. Donate today and join us in our mission to transform lives through the power of communication.
Brother Arthur Lupe Salazar, Jr. is a past master of Irvine Valley Lodge No. 671 in Lake Forest and was the charter master of The Thirty-Three Lodge in Orange County. He received the Degrees of Masonry in San Francisco Lodge No. 120 in 2004 and was honored with the Hiram Award in 2012 by Irvine Valley Lodge No. 671. An Orange County native, Brother Salazar is an accomplished Certified Public Accountant having practiced tax and accountancy for over 20 years. Most recently, he was owner and president of Salazar Accountancy Corporation. His career in public accounting began in Palo Alto before relocating back to Orange County in 2006. In 2020, he retired from public accounting and accepted the full-time role of Executive Vice President and Secretary of the California Scottish Rite Foundation. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from University of California Riverside, where he was an academic research scholar and a recipient of the A. Gary Anderson Special Achievement Award. He later earned a Master of Business Taxation from the University of Southern California. Brother Salazar has acted in service and leadership to the Grand Lodge of California for eighteen years. He’s served on several Grand Lodge committees including Annual Communication Activities, Audit, Inspector’s Development, and the Joint Committee on Fraternal Relations. He has served as a consultant and a member to the Executive Committee, was a member of the Let’s Write the Future Campaign committee and served on the Strategic Planning Group. He was an Inspector for five years and was elected Grand Treasurer in 2015 and served six terms in that role. Over that time, he served as Treasurer of Acacia Creek Retirement Communities, California Masonic Foundation, California Masonic Memorial Temple, Masonic Homes of California, and Nob Hill Masonic Center. In addition, Brother Salazar has been active in many Masonic organizations and youth orders. He is a 33° Inspector General Honorary in the San Francisco Scottish Rite Valley and Orange County Scottish Rite Valley where he served as Treasurer and as Wise Master of the Chapter of Rose Croix. He was president of the Orange County Scottish Rite Foundation. He has served as Treasurer and Audit Committee chairman for the California Scottish Rite Foundation. He is a member of the Orange County York Rite Bodies, El Bekal Shriners, Royal Order of Scotland, Saint Gabriel Conclave Red Cross of Constantine, and California College Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis. He has been an adult volunteer for the International Order of Rainbow for Girls and DeMolay International, which bestowed upon him the Honorary Legion of Honor and made him a Deputy Member in 2022. And he is Chairman of the 2025 Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America. An engaged member of his community, Brother Salazar volunteers as treasurer of the Youth Fund of Southern California. He was previously on the school site council for Oak Grove Elementary School, and he served as president of the school’s foundation for six years. He has volunteered for the Red Cross of Orange County and the American Youth Soccer Association for which he served as a coach and referee. He and his family are members of Corpus Christi Catholic Church. Brother Salazar is a proud husband and father. His wife of 24 years, Dr. Laura Camacho Salazar, is a physician in internal medicine. They have three children. Ixchel is a medical student at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Sofia is a nursing student at Chaminade University of Honolulu and volunteers at the Shrine Hospital, and Amira is studying to become a genetic engineer at UCLA. The Salazars reside in Aliso Viejo in Orange County.

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The Sprig of Acacia represents William J Bray III who was the first Grand Master who appointed me to serve as a District Inspector. The acacia was a prominent symbol in his logo and reminds me of the immortality of the soul.
The Double Headed Eagle represents Frank Loui who as Grand Master appointed me to my second term as a District Inspector and is also a member of San Francisco Lodge No 120 F&AM which is the lodge where I received the degrees of Masonry. Frank has a particularly special place in my Masonic journey as he served as the Installing Officer when I became the Charter Master of The 33 Lodge in 2021 and also as my Installing Officer in October 2024 when I became Grand Master. The double headed eagle is a prominent symbol in Scottish Rite Masonry in which I have also had the opportunity to work with Frank in his role as the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of California.
The California Bear represents John F Lowe who as Grand Master appointed me to my third term as a District Inspector and is also a member of Irvine Valley Lodge No 671 F&AM which is the lodge where I affiliated in Orange County and served as Master. John has a particularly special place in my Masonic journey as he served as my Master of Ceremonies when I became Master of our lodge in December 2007 prior to his election into the Grand Lodge progressive line and also as my Master of Ceremonies in October 2024 when I became Grand Master. The bear was a prominent symbol in his logo as he reminded all Masons to share Masonry Beyond the Lodge.
The Globe on the Column represents John L Cooper III who as Grand Master appointed me to my fourth term as a District Inspector. The globe in this instance reminds me of the vast knowledge that he has gained and shared with all Masons and the importance of being both a teacher and student throughout life.
The Moon represents Russell E Charvonia who as Grand Master appointed me to my fifth and final term as a District Inspector. As the moon reflects the light from the sun it reminds me that those around us will reflect the light that we give off and if we are to achieve a world in harmony we too must be in harmony.
The Setting Maul represents M David Perry who was the first Grand Master I served as Grand Treasurer. The setting maul reminds me of Dave’s profession as a builder of homes and how important it is that we should build our home with love.
The Winding Staircase represents John R. Heisner who as Grand Master included the winding staircase as the prominent symbol on his tie. As the image of the winding staircase also resembles the design of a seashell it also reminds me of John’s love of living near the beach either in San Diego or Hawaii.
The Cross and Crown represents Bruce R Galloway who was the Grand Master that I associated the most with the York Rite bodies of Masonry. The cross and crown are important symbols in the York Rite and reminds me to try to be the calm and peaceful presence that Bruce exhibited.
The Three Lesser Lights represent Stuart A Wright who was the first Grand Master that I served as Grand Treasurer throughout his four-year progression in the Grand Lodge line. The three lights were a prominent feature in his lapel pin design and reminds me of the feeling of taking my first-degree obligation in Masonry.
The Spade represents John E Trauner who was the Grand Master who first taught me about the beauty of “mountain masonry”. As the spade is an instrument to dig it reminds me of John’s focus on sharing the gold country with all he encountered.
The 47th Problem of Euclid represents Arthur H Weiss who was the sixth and final Grand Master I served as Grand Treasurer. The Euclidean symbol reminds me of Art’s love of space which featured prominently in his logo and his career spent as a rocket scientist furthering our knowledge of the universe.
The Beehive represents Jeffery M Wilkins who was the Grand Master I served as Junior Grand Warden. The beehive was the prominent symbol in his logo and reminds me of his love of spending time with the brothers at every lodge he visited while meeting as equals.
The Top Hat represents Randall L Brill who was the Grand Master I served as Senior Grand Warden. While the top hat is a symbol of someone in authority it is also a prominent feature in the world of magic which was a great passion of his.
The Sun represents G Sean Metroka who was the Grand Master I served as Deputy Grand Master. The sun featured prominently in his logo and as the sun spreads it’s rays upon the world it reminds me of his message of spreading the virtues of our gentle craft.
The Anchor represents Allan L Casalou who has served as Grand Secretary throughout my entire service described above. His friendship and counsel have kept me from being swept away no matter how calm or rough the waters may seem.
The Crossed Keys are the symbol of the office of Grand Treasurer which I had the honor to serve in from October 2015 through October 2021. In the history of the Grand Lodge of California I was privileged to be the 23rd brother to serve in this office.
The Hourglass reminds me of my own mortality and that none of us know how much time we have and that we should live each day to its fullest.
The 24 Inch Gauge reminds me that no matter how we divide our day into a part to the service of the Creator, a part for earning our living, and a part for rest that we all have the same amount of time in the day to make the most of.
The Level reminds me that we should always meet one another as equals and strive for equality in all we do.
The Plumb reminds me that I should strive to live uprightly and that I cannot expect others to live by my personal expectations and should therefore be compassionate to others in their actions through life.
The Square reminds me that I should always endeavor to act with honesty and integrity in all I do.
The Gavel reminds me that a leader should always act with fairness to the greater good especially when it’s in conflict with personal interests.
The Square and Compass as the most recognized symbol of Masonry reminds me that we must hold ourselves accountable to our Creator, to one another, and to ourselves.
The Letter G reminds me that above all things it is the divine inspiration from our great Creator that makes all things possible.